The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


Hmm I am not sure who this Walton fellow is but I guess I’ll keep the quote and photo.

I’ll start off by saying welcome to my thoughts . I hope they don’t scare you . Lol.

My name is Bob and I was blessed with a Liver transplant on Nov2, 2014.

I say blessed because I am one of the fortunate ones on a much to long waiting list that received an organ donation in my final hours. A donation that is considered by many to be the ultimate charitable act of kindness a human being can do for another human being .

My donor is anonymous to me now but one day we will meet that is guaranteed . And when we do meet I will say ..

” Thank you my friend”

and he/she will say

” No thanks required for I know you would have done the same for me ”

And we will cry and I will give them a huge hug as our families look on .

And then we will part ways , me to my family and they to meet or wait for the many others whose lives they saved.